Wednesday, October 12, 2011

No Poo Week 1

Okay so last week I started with the no poo that I have read much about.  I have very thick, curly, frizzy hair.  I have tried tons of different products to tame, shine, control, etc for my hair.  My hair gets very dry and frizzy and I am constantally dealing with dry scalp (dandruff) too. And if I don't wash my hair daily it is just a huge tangle mess that is impossible to do anything with it. And unfortuantely and embarrasing my hair sheds like my dogs does! After many months of reading others tell their stories about no poo, I decided to do it myself.

For those who have no clue what I am talking about.  No poo is NO SHAMPOO.  The reason for this is the sulfates in shampoo dries your hair and scalp. Shampoo is a detergent and does well to clean your hair but it also takes away all your natural oils your body produces to help protect your hair and keep it shiny and healthy. And like all other detergents it is harsh and has chemicals that strip your hair of what it naturally needs.

Week 1
This is the end of my first week without Shampoo and I must admit I am already addicted! I have been using a natural cleaner for my hair and natural conditioner (see below for reciepes) every other day.  My hair is shiny, and super soft.  The tangles are so manageable.  I was even able to run my fingers thru my hair for the first time in I don't know how long.  I have not had any of the gross residue build-up I was expecting with ditching my shampoo.  My curls are nice bouncing curls and a couple of days this week I didn't even put my curl creme in to see how it would do.  My curls went from small medium kinky curls to just small curls with a touchable feeling and look.  Not bad at all.  But even though I have been suprised by all of this my biggest suprised is that the frizz is reduces by 60-70%!!  Huge difference in the frizz.  It just amazes me.  The only back fall so far I see is my scalp does itch a bit.  The dandruff has reduced quite a bit too but I wonder if the itch isn't from my scalp starting to heal up from all the damange I had done to it.  But I am not sure.  I will give you more details next week and see if I still get the same results or this is just like anything else with my hair.  When I switch shampoos/conditioners/products . . . I can always see an immediate difference but it doesn't always last.  So I will post again next week.  Thanks all.
Natural Shampoo
Baking Soda (1 Tbs)
Water (8 oz)
Just use a squeeze bottle and mix the two for your use.  Apply to the scalp and work in for about 1 minute then rinse just like you would your shampoo.

Natural Conditioner
Apple Cider Vinager (1 Tbs)
Water (8 oz)
Just use a squeeze bottle and mix the two for your use. Apply to the ends of your hair and work up.  Advoid your scalp.  Rinse with cold water at the end of your shower.  This helps seals your hair!

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