Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Vampire Diaries Tour, Covington, GA

Covington, GA
Vampire Diaries
www.vampire Stalkers.com Tour

Okay let me start off by saying that my friends and I have never had so much fun on a trip.  Not because of the tour and sites but just 4 grown women being totally silly and just loving life.

We are all from the Indianapolis area in Indiana.  We took off Thursday afternoon and drove 10 hours to Covington, GA. We stayed at the Hampton Inn there. It was really nice. The rooms were nice and the beds were actually comfortable, which rarely happens.  When we showed up, there were so many cars (luxury ones) there.  We were told before going that the stars of the show were known to stay here when they worked late at night.  After a little research a couple of the cars are the exact make and model of what Nina (Elena) and Paul (Stefan) drives.  That next morning as we were eating breakfast a few of the crew members for Vampire Diaries were down there and discussing shoots for the upcoming day.  We never saw any of the stars of VD but wonders if there were actually there!

Friday afternoon we are to meet Jessica and her husband from www.vampirestalkers.com for our tour @ 12:30pm.  Well I had MapQuest wrong directions and got lost.  I had to call Jessica to find out where we were and how to get to her.  She was very nice and was happy to give us our directions.  We ended up finding her at 12:40pm (10 minutes late).  When we pulled up we were taken aback.  Each of us was paying $55 for the tour (total of $220).  There were in a minivan and both looked like they had just rolled out of bed to meet us.  Jessica’s hair was not brushed and showing her tracks badly and looked like she was wearing what I wear to bed (old ratty t-shirt and lounge pants).  We all paid our money to giddy to care and got in the van.  The van was dirty and smelled BADLY! I was starting to wonder how well this tour would really be. 

The tour: We started off at the Mystic Grill and went from there.  Jessica had many stories from the set.  She also told us many little things about our favorite actors too.  We were eating this all up and loving it.  We walked around took lots of pictures and jumped in and out of the van many times to take pictures of the homes and locations.  We visited the following locations: Mystic Grill, Mystic Falls Court House & Sheriff Forbes Office (outside only), Dr. Gilbert’s Office, Rooftop used on the show, Famous Graveyard of Isabel’s death, Site of Aunt Jenna’s and Uncle John’s Funeral, Witches Burial Grounds, and the following homes: Elena & Jeremy’s, Matt & Vicki’s, Gram’s, Lockwood Manor (got to walk the grounds at this location), Caroline’s, Isabel’s, Lockwood Manor from flash back episode.  The website says we were supposed to see many other locations but we were never taken there (Bree’s Bar, Trudie Peterson’s home, Tomb Vampire Hideout, Mystic Fall’s High School Football field, Library where Jeremy and Anna met, Pearl & Anna’s home, Founder’s Hall, Salvatore family home from the 1800’s.  We were all pretty upset by this.  Our tour only lasted a little over an hour, which I felt was not as long as I thought but that makes sense since we were not taken to all the stops.  After the tour was done we were taken back to the Visitor Center where we met them at.  Then they opened the trunk of the van to sell us merchandise.  We were told no else sells anything in the town, which is not true.  I am sure that was just to get us to buy from them. Jessica and her husband were very nice people and had lots of little bits of information on everything that was nice to know.  BUT the girls and I went into investigation mode after the tour. 

After the tour: We were told the favorite restaurants of the stars and what ice cream they order at Scoops (which is the local ice cream parlor and has AMAZING ice cream and treats).    When we went into Scoops and talked with the workers and asked them if they ever served any of them and their take on the crew and them shooting there.  We got totally different answers on what the stars actually eat/drink there.  Which what the people in Scoops said makes so much more sense (fat free lattes and everything without the fat) since the stars are skinny and if you eat Banana Pudding shake (which Jessica told us is what Ian gets all the time there) every day you shoot that would probably add up after a while.  Not that any of that really matters.  But we were told by the lady in Scoops that the Antique Shop on the Square sells TVD merchandise (which has really nice stuff and cheaper than what Jessica ws selling hers for) and also they give you a FREE map of all the locations we went to today (which was the EXACT same map that the driver was using on the tour we went on) so you can find everything on your own.  So we paid $220 to www.vampirestalkers.com to drive us around to all these places we could of done our selves.  I felt so stupid for taking the tour after that. The only thing it offered we couldn’t of done on our own was a tour of the grounds of Lockwood Manor.  It was definitely our own mistakes but I am writing this for anyone else out there wanting to tour Covington, GA for the Vampire Diaries so you will not get the short end of the deal either.

I will be including on this site the map and other information we obtained during our trip that I scanned in.  You can also go to www.GoCovington.com for more information too!


  1. Thank you for this information ! I only work a couple of blocks from Elena's house in the show, but I don't actually live in Covington so I wasn't sure where some of the other stuff was located. I really didn't want to spend $55 to ride around in a smelly van !! Thanks again !

  2. Thank you so much for posting this! Just got back from visiting my friend in Atlanta, and we went to Covington and got the map from the visitors center and just went to all the spots for Vampire Diaries. Good to know we weren't really missing much, other than getting to see the grounds of the Lockwood Mansion. We were planning on doing the tour to see all the places you mentioned that you DIDN'T go to since they aren't on the map......but you didn't get to see them either! How crappy!

    We also tried to find where the film scenes for Wickery Bridge, the visitors center gave us directions. But there was no bridge anything like the one in the show near there. We eventually found a bridge we THOUGHT was Wickery Bridge and took a bunch of pics, but later we compared our pics to the show and it's not the same :( And this mystery bridge we found is about 4 miles from the site they sent us too.

    Any idea where the bridge is?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks for the article and sharing your experience that's why I wanted to share with all of you a new Facebook community called The Vampire Huntress of Mystic Falls. A map and driving directions are located on their page. We are adding locations regular when our hunter finds more. Plus they have added "The Walking Dead Tour" and "The Originals filming location in Conyers. Why pay money for a tour when you can guide yourself around town on your own time, at your own leisure :-) Visit here >>https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevampirehuntressofmysticfalls/?ref=bookmarks

  3. yes! has anyone found the Wickery Bridge location?

  4. Thank you! I am headed there tomorrow with visiting family, including my DIL who is also a big fan of the show. I couldn't afford the tour, but now know we aren't missing out on anything! Really appreciate you posting the map. :)

  5. If you want to see Wickery Bridge just check 5090 Klondike Road, Lithonia, Georgia, USA

  6. Thank you for the post. I learned not to take the tour and do it on our own much more fun from here. Laughing and gazing about the show, taking pictures like tourist. We went to 5090 Klondike Rd and took pictures of The Wickery Bridge and also went to Conyers and found the street they use in The Originals. Had so much fun I am trying to talk hubby into going back and staying at the 12 Oaks Inn(stay in the Katherine Pierce Room) and go see all the stuff and houses we didn't get to see. Multiple movies and TV series film in Covington. Great and beautiful place to visit. Thanks again

    1. Thanks for the address. Me and a friend of mine at visiting there in July. We are staying at Twelve Oaks in the Salvatore study. We are so excited. I have been collecting info on places we want to see because we dont want to pay for the tour.

    2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevampirehuntressofmysticfalls/?ref=bookmarks

  7. I am attaching some very interesting information about Mystic Falls tours in Covington. Jessica Lowerys husband, Travis Michael Lowery is currently incarcerated for sexual exploitation of a child and pornography.

    Millions of underage people have been around this man. How was no one notified?

    Look at the offence date. My daughter was there in 2012. Then look at his arrest date and think of the millions of people who interacted with him at the store, on tours, at cons, officer morgan day etc.

    How is the owner of a tourismcompany can be charged with such heinous crimes and still be allowed to operate a business that caters to out of town minors

    Anyone who asks about him is told he is working out of state for his father.

    1. How awful!! Makes me want to pay $55 and do the tour and ask, only to call them out when I bring up the charges!

  8. WOW!thank you for your kindness!I recently went in June 2017 and her tours were booked and I was upset BUT we found some on our own. do you know the address for Matt/Vicki's house? I could not find it for the life of me. I also have NO idea which cemetery they used to film at.. I thought there were several as I hear that "Damon's Cemetery" is different than Isobel's death one and whatever else. -_- :( Also, is Isobel's the same as where Jenna and John's funeral is? I'm bombarding you with questions and for that I apologize, but I haven't found ANYONE who will give up ANY info from Jessica's tour and I'm frustrated with it lol I'm begging hahah I live in Kentucky so I made the 9 hour trip there so I know how you feel. and what was up with her not taking you to all the other places you thought she was supposed to???? did you ask her why? i would be SO MAD! I think i have an idea of where Bree’s Bar is but no clue for Trudie Peterson’s home, Tomb Vampire Hideout, Mystic Fall’s High School Football field, Library where Jeremy and Anna met, Pearl & Anna’s home, or the Founder’s Hall. I'd love to know where they are :( I did find the Salvatore estate, it was pretty far off but well worth it. but if interested i'd be more than happy to give you addresses for the places i did find! <3

    1. I can give you whatever information you would like Samantha I have a self guided tour for the locations and some no one has :-) Join the Vampire Huntress of Mystic Falls group

  9. I turn to a vampire any time i want to. i become a vampire because of how people treat me, this world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. at the snack of my finger things are made happened. am now a powerful woman and no one step on me without an apology goes free. i turn to human being also at any time i want to. and am one of the most dreaded woman in my country. i become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a vampire kingdom by given me their number. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom whatsApp at +1 4313007649 on their email worldofvampir@hotmail.com

  10. Mein Name ist, Paula James aus Kanada. Ich wende mich jederzeit an einen Vampir. Ich werde ein echter Vampir, weil die Leute mich behandeln. Diese Welt ist eine böse Welt und keinem Körper gegenüber fair. Beim Snack meines Fingers sind Dinge passiert. Bin jetzt ein mächtiger Vampir und kein Schritt auf mich ohne Entschuldigung geht frei. Ich wende mich auch jederzeit dem Menschen zu. Und bin eine der am meisten gefürchteten und angesehenen Personen in meinem Land. Ich bin jetzt auch sehr berühmt und reich mit Hilfe des VAMPIRES EMPIRE. Ich bekomme was immer ich will. Ich werde ein Vampir durch die Hilfe meines Freundes, der mich in ein Vampir-Königreich einführt, indem er mir seine E-Mail-Adresse gibt: jamessuccessfultemple45@gmail.com. Wenn Sie ein mächtiger und echter Vampir werden möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte das Vampir-Königreich unter der E-Mail-Adresse: jamessuccessfultemple45 @ gmail.com für Hilfe. es ist real. Kontaktieren Sie sie noch heute. jamessuccessfultemple45@gmail.com
